English Breakfast Tea
A Spot of Tea Perhaps?

While there is some controversy over the origins of the term English Breakfast Tea, there isn't any disagreement on the delicious flavors available. Some say that the term English Breakfast Tea actually started in America while others state that it was invented in Edinburgh, Scotland by a local tea merchant who coined the term as a marketing campaign. Regardless of it's origin, English Breakfast Tea has not only become a delicious beverage but a morning tradition in England, as well as many other parts of the world. Additionally, there is no argument when one describes the taste and aroma of English Breakfast Tea. It is robust, full-bodied and rich with a slight floral taste that is definitely an undertone. There are many different blends and ways to prepare this English delight.
English Breakfast Tea can be made with honey, milk, cream or sugar added to enhance it's flavor depending on individual taste and perhaps the meal that is it's accominment. Traditionally, English Breakfast Tea compliments hearty morning meals such as bacon, sausage, ham, spam or steak along with eggs, toast potatoes, waffles and even pancakes. It is said that the English want a tea strong enough to wash down the hearty meal and wash away the cholesterol. English Breakfast Tea is by far the most popular tea in England.
English Breakfast Tea is made with Black Teas. The tea is black due to the level of oxidation that the tea leaf is exposed to during processing, not a different type of plant. The various blends found in English Breakfast Tea include assam, ceylon, kenyan and in the more expensive brands generally found at specialty shops, you will find keenum as an ingredient. The teas used to make English Breakfast Tea is generally harvested from areas such as India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Malawi and China.
Prior to the English Breakfast Tea fad and tradition, the English typically only ate two meals per day. The first, a hearty breakfast, and the second, a filling dinner. Afternoon tea acted as a supplement to what we now know as lunch. Most English partook of the afternoon tea time. Later, fingerfoods were introduced by local pubs that served the afternoon tea. When English Breakfast Teas were intoduced decades later, it was quickly embraced since the natives were already accustomed to relating tea to a particular time of the day. It made sense to have a breakfast tea since they already celebrated afternoon tea time.
Another contributor to English Breakfast Tea's success is the plesant warm, perhaps toasty aroma. As anyone in the food and beverage business knows, we eat with our other senses far before we judge on flavor. English Breakfast Tea is no exception. The sweet honey filled warm aroma's heightened and please our smell sensory, therefore increasing the pleasant flavor perception.
If English Breakfast Tea is something new for you, perhaps you should give it a try. The tea itself has enough caffiene to give you a morning boost and awaken you. The flavors will certainly compliment any mean and the class you will feel taking part in a time-honored tradition will be priceless. Perhaps just replacing your morning cup of joe with a cup of English tea on Sunday's with a hearty and scrumptous meal will be a cultured experience. Once you are comfortable with explaining the taste and savoring the moment, you can invite your friends and family to a traditional English breakfast, with English Breakfast Tea as the honored guest. The bottom line is that you will enjoy drinking this delightful and aromatic traditional beverage until you reach the bottom of the cup.
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