Types Of Tea

Some of you may have heard the words Camellia Sinensis; which is the botanical name of the tea bush. The processed dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant is where all tea comes from (not the herbal type or infusions, we are talking real tea here). The only difference in the different types of teas is how the leaves are processed. For some types of tea, the leaves must be fermented, for others they are only sun dried. The processing is what determines the taste and quality of the different types of teas.
There are many different types of tea available to the average and consumer and even more types of tea available if you are prepared to dig around a little and experiment. Although many people focus on green tea, you do have a choice of different teas with many different benefits associated to them. If you are an avid tea drinker or are researching to become one, then don't place your focus upon just one tea. You should branch out and experiment in order to enrich your experiences and tantalize your taste-buds!
Many people around the world enjoy a good cup of freshly brewed tea (in fact, tea has been ranked as the second highest consumed beverage) and there are many different types of tea for them to enjoy. We could name types of teas such as White Tea, Black Tea, Oolong Tea, and Ceylon tea and that's not even scratching the surface. There are in fact probably as many different types and flavors of tea as there are wines. Like wine, tea also differs in taste depending on the soil and environment it is grown in.
In order to even start to completely understand the different types of tea, we need to first learn exactly what the many types of teas are and how they are made. Just about all of the different types of tea have been around for many hundreds of years, and has played varied roles throughout history in many countries.

Anyone who went to school in the USA may remember learning about The Boston Tea party. School age children are taught about the British tea tax. It was this tax that lead to what is known today as the Boston Tea party. Essentially the story goes that several of the colonies refused to pay the tax on the types of tea which were being brought into the colonies, and so they dumped it into the Boston Harbor as a protest towards Britain. In order to circumvent the British monopoly on tea importation to the colonies, the colonists began looking to their allies for importing different types of tea to the colonies. Many years later America contributed to helping tea become what it is today by introducing iced tea at the World's Fair in St. Louis in 1904 and then again in 1908 with the introduction of tea bags.
And looking at the latest tea trends from around the world there seems to be nothing that is not being touched by some type of tea or another. There are now many types of tea which are used to flavor different foods. For example, Green Tea is an ingredient in green tea ice cream. Today you can also find many different flavors of slimming tea which include different types of tea and other ingredients all blended together deliciously. And of course you have the many, many, flavored but still healthy Black, White, Oolong, Green and Ceylon tea.

Now as we have been speaking about the different types of teas you may have been wondering why I haven't mentioned herbal tea, herbal infusions or even tisanes tea. When you have these teas you may believe that you are drinking another type of tea, however these types of tea do not really belong in the tea category at all. These types of teas are also known as alternative teas. In this category you will find herbs like the dragon fruit, rooibos, and others being used as infusions to make tea like drinks. Still other alternative types of tea will be infused with fruits and flowers which have been added during the production process, to make these teas more flavorful and in some cases a healthier alternative to many of the other drinks that we have available to us.
As we can see there are many different types of tea which you can try for yourself or buy as gifts to give. And no matter what reason you have for drinking tea you will find that each of the different types of tea will be perfect for their own different reasons.
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