Organic Green Tea

Organic green tea has a history that is almost as rich as the tastes and benefits that it offers. It is said to have begun in 2737 BC when emperor Shen Nong was boiling water. It is said that some tea leaves blew through the window and into his boiling water. He apparently tried his new found beverage and adored it's flavor and aroma. Organic green tea has greatly evolved since then, having been enjoyed and then used for medicinal purposes in later years though centuries before our time. Today, organic green tea is being studied for many medicinal purposes and has been found to be somewhat of a cure all.
The largest areas for production of organic green tea are in Japan and Brazil. Brazil has an opposing harvesting season than that of Japan, making organic green tea readily available year round. An executive of the world-renowned and largest producer of organic green tea, Yamamotoyama, is accredited with choosing the area of Brazil at an elevation of 2,000 to 2,500 feet above sea level in the center of the country. Besides opposing climate seasons, Japan had limited room for increased production therefore looking for an opportunity overseas for mass harvesting.
The process to making a fine organic green tea is delicate and an acquired skill. A secret Japanese style is used to enhance flavor, fragrance and preserves the color of the organic green tea leaf. The result is a vibrant green leaf that results in a sweet and slightly nutty flavor. Additionally, QAI which stands for Quality Assurance International, is an internationally recognized independent firm that assures the organic qualities of organic green tea based on regional, national and international standards.
Other reasons to choose organic green tea include the lack of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides used in the production of the tea plants. With more evidence emerging daily about the harmful and sometimes long-term effects of chemical alterations of natural plants used for consumption, it is becoming more important to raise a product free from fertilizers and pesticides. While this change has prohibited higher yields, farmers have received incentives for growing such crops. Another interesting fact that further limits the timeliness of production is it takes 3 years for organic farmers to gain European Association Certification. While truly organic products may be a little more expensive, the price difference isn't vast enough to warrant choosing mass produced products over organic when the benefits are taken into consideration. The end product when discussing organic green tea is a more flavorful, aromatic and healthier product for consumption.
If you truly enjoy tea, it is advisable to consider shopping for organic green tea in loose leaf form. The result will be a product of much better quality, more enjoyable, will offer more medicinal benefits and healthier because they are free from chemical alterations. Due to popularity, organic green teas have become widely available in most retailers, and surely available at gourmet tea shops found around the world.
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