Organic Tea

Organic tea can be found in any tea variety. The label organic has nothing to do with the tea variety itself, just the production methods and growing conditions. It is a lengthy and strict process to be able to label something organic. There are environmental and health benefit advantages to buying organic products. Of course, organic teas are said to have a better and more robust flavor.
Organic means that the tea bush, Camelilia sinensis, is grown free of any artificial pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers plant growth regulators and chemical food additives. Moreover, the land that the crop is grown on has been free of such chemicals for at least three years prior to use, also known as an environmentally natural zone. Composting is used to fertilize and help grow the crops, and crop rotation is used to cut down on pests and diseases. The organic estate must go through rigorous inspections and certification requirements. The process protects the earth's natural resources, rather than pollute water tables and compromise land use for future crops.
There can be a cost difference in organic and non-organic teas. This is mainly due to the extra expenses to become organic certified for the estate, though some plantations are offered incentives for growing organincally. While the extra expenses are the main reason for a slightly more expensive product, organic teas do possess a nicer flavor. Since the crops are smaller, it is assumed that the plant growth and processing received more attention. Also, since many people are becoming more health conscious and environmentally friendly, organic tea is in higher demand.
The taste is not compromised; it is actually enhanced. Organic black tea, for example, has the same dark and reddish color along with its savory smell and delicious taste just as non-organic black teas would have. Organic tea still has all the same components as regular tea, both herbal and from the tea plant. Being organic shouldn't be confused with caffeine free or decaffeinated.
Most teas have an organic counterpart. Oolong, black, white, roobois and even herbal teas have organic crops. In addition to teabags, tealeaves are available as organic product. One can enjoy just about every one of their favorite tea flavors in organic form though it may take some searching to find them. Not every store, super center or even specialty tea shop will carry every tea in the organic form, though more and more businesses are becoming more organic friendly following the trends of it's customers.
Whether you are trying to better our environment or become healthier, organic teas offer a pleasant taste and are relatively easy to find. By supporting the sales of organic teas, among other products, you are aiding our planet by moving toward a chemical free world.
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