Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract has become very popular in recent years where re-processed foods and fast foods have raised our caloric intake to record heights. Even those who eat healthy have become more stationary with everything at one's fingertips. People move less and less due to modern conveniences such as the remote control, laptops, cell phones, remote garage door openers and even clap on lights. In our society, everything is about fast and efficient but unfortunately this has greatly reduced the amount of exercise a person gets therefore lowering our metabolism. This is where green tea extract comes in.
There is no wonder that billions of dollars are spent every year looking for the newest fad diet or miracle weight loss drug to shed the pounds. Green tea extract have many benefits, but most notable is the ability to assist in weight loss and diet plans. With longer hours at work, and less mobility and exercise, it is becoming very important to condense even our meals, vitamins, nutrients and food into a fast and simple way to consume it. When something is unmasked that has both the health benefits and an uncanny ability to raise one's metabolism, it quickly becomes a fad. Without proper nutrients we do not have the energy to exercise and with the recommended food intake, we gain weight. Where is the happy medium? Green tea extract may hold the key.
Green tea extract has been found in American studies to increase metabolism and also significantly impact the fat oxidation. It would be assumed that some of the results are simply due to the fact that green tea extract contains caffeine, but researchers have found that the properties go beyond just an extra boost in energy. When given the same amount of caffeine as a stand alone supplement, the metabolism and fat oxidation did not compare to the changes that were found in those who consumed green tea extract. While what researchers found green tea extract to be attributed to, it is what it didn't do that is most notable. Unlike diet pills, ephedrine and other weight loss supplements, green tea extract did not raise blood pressure levels or heart rates. This is a significant breakthrough for those who struggle with obesity.
Green tea extract is easily added to your favorite beverage, including tea. Most health conscientious consumers purchase an organic green tea from a reputable supplier and incorporate one cup every day at first. After about a week or so, increase your cups of green tea to accompany every meal. If brewed or steeped green tea is inconvenient for you, green tea extract does come in the form of a pill.
Green tea extract is also beneficial in the prevention of cancers. Additionally, green tea extract also has anti-bacteria properties that can help with oral hygiene and even preserve foods and resist bacterial contamination. Lastly, green tea extract is known for it's anti-inflammatory properties. The only health concern with green tea extract that is known is the high levels of fluoride it contains and the properties within that block some iron absorption.
As with any diet supplement, there has been controversy over green tea extract's effectiveness toward weight loss. If the green tea extract isn't taken daily as part of your diet then the results will not be seen. Additionally, taking a diet supplement such as green tea extract does not give a free pass to eating fast food for every meal or substituting sugary and salty snacks for fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately many people experience a false sense of security or believe that the diet supplement will be their miraculous cure all. Truth is any diet takes work on the part of the dieter and green tea extract is no different. People who are upset with the results or lack thereof, even if it is due to their lack of diligence will begin a controversial conversation that will inevitably weigh on peoples buying decisions. After all, aren't we all skeptical about weight loss supplements anyways?
Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is not intended to replace the diagnosis, treatment, consultation and services of a qualified Medical Practitioner. All information presented is in summary form and intended only for informational purposes. Always seek immediate medical attention for any illness you may have and never disregard the advice from qualified Medical Practitioners as something you have read on this site (or related sites) could be misinterpreted.