How Can You Help?
If you found our site informative, like where this site is going and would like to help in the growth of the site it is possible to assist in any number of ways. For example some individuals have helped us in the following ways (though there are many more and however you help it is all appreciated.)
- Visit us (and our sponsor sites) regularly and pass the word around so that more people visit the-tea-site. Our visitors are our life blood and provide the impetus and income to continue providing a first class site.
- If you find anything of interest to you and you have your own site or blog, link to us. Again the more people that know about us and the more people you send our way the better this site will become for everyone!
Why Link to Us or Recommend Us to Your Friends?
We provide and aim to provide going forward the best information available in one place for your site visitors and friends. Whether they are a tea enthusiast or just starting out into tea our site will be an enjoyable and learning experience for them and they will in turn be very happy with your recommendation earning you more Kudos!
Your Comments and Suggestions Also Matter
We'd love to hear from you and get your feedback. If you have any comments, constructive criticisms, suggestions, or would just like to chat. Drop us a line at [email protected] We take everything we get from you very seriously and would love to hear from you.
What About Advertising With Us?
This is also possible. And though we are a young site we earn revenue through our sponsored links with Google ads and also take direct advertising requests.
We can provide for banners and links to your site on a page/s of your liking. If you are interested simply contact us at [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement to keep us going!